Hi everyone! Few people know that I changed my qualifications and out of curiosity found a part-time job at the bakery. I was lucky enough to be hired by a good company and work with a great staff. During this time I’ve learnt a lot and consider myself a skilled baker. Many people are afraid to work with dough. However, from the very start, having no experience, I could intuitionally feel dough. Now I can even hear that dough is ready. My first teacher said “You should listen to dough”. And it really works! At first you hear the work of a dough mixer, but at some moment dough starts speaking with you. Experienced bakers will understand me.

This profession is one of those when the result can be seen immediately. It all starts early in the morning with flour and water, but some hours later I take some fresh and aromatic bread out of the oven. It’s a kind of magic. You can hardly imagine this morning aroma at the bakery. It’s difficult to describe with words, you should feel it. While the city is still sleeping, they work hard at the bakery, making bread. Sometimes I have to get up at 3.30 to please you with some fresh bread. You need to love your job to get up so early. It’s just about me. I enjoy my job and respect this profession.

What kind of bread do you like?

Do you like bread?. Max Griss I Food Photography & Videography Helsinki
